Our generation was lucky. We as kids heard melodious lullabies that prominently figured the moon (Chandoba) and the Neem tree.
With concrete jungles marching all over, there is little space to view the moon and worse still, there few big Neem trees left. In a typical urban setup, everyone is after superfast growing delicate trees like Gulmohar, Peltoforum, Kashid, Jakaranda etc.
So why are we talking about the hardy Neem? With Gudipadwa celebrations just around the corner, unfortunately, a lot of Neem trees get lopped or cut, so that they can be mounted with the gudi. But, the neem (Azadirachta Indica) is a precious tree indeed. It can withstand drought situations, is recognised as a good insecticide, is not too choosy about the soil type it grows in and in the rural set up, is acknowledged as `nature’s dispensary.’
Our ancestors had recognized the medicinal importance of this tree. In the Padmapuran, this tree was identified as the one that gives longevity. Besides in Ayurveda, the Neem’s healing properties are also recognised by Unani medicine. Be it seeds, leaves, flowers, bark or gum, all parts of the neem are useful. It is also being looked at as a biofuel.
This year, a small attempt is being made by the Social Forestry department to give back to nature some Neem trees. Hence, about five lakh seedlings of Neem raised in various nurseries in our state will be kept on sale through 300 retail outlets covering all the districts and most of the talukas.
A research by the Gujrat University concluded that Neem is the best tree because the total value of Neem fruits, fodder, firewood and timber outweighs other tree species like Shami, Babul, Sissoo, Shirish etc. It is an excellent plant for agro- forestry.
So lets try and adopt a neem, nurture it and give a bit of nature back to nature.
So that our kids will not sing Chandoba chandoba ruslas ka, buildingchya mage laplas ka?
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