I like to get in to work early. It makes life easier through the day. You see I’m over halfway through my bit before lunch. My fellow officians-can't say colleagues-in the meanwhile, are struggling to get beyond the starting line…most are still checking mail and having coffee. Uff I think…incompetent souls...and turn up my nose. I will be done by 4 pm, like always while they get stressed and stressed and work till late maybe eight and run home tired and hungry…while I, pretty as a butterfly will flit home ready to put together a healthy meal for the family. Luckily, I have a great boss. And I work just two days a week.
But, it’s not quiet easy let me assure you, to be this way.
Firstly, there's the battle of glares from fellow officians who can’t understand how I am done with my quota and a little bit more, much in time.
Then, there’s the question of free time on hand. How does one handle it? Pretend to work or add on to existing work?
Lets hear your say…
PS: Don't feel offended, there's some truth in this, and you know it.
Way to go Superwoman!! Free time on hand, come to Aamchi Mumbai!!